Sport, Recreation & Entertainment Venues 运动 休闲及娱乐场所

Sport, Recreation & Entertainment Venues

运动 休闲及娱乐场所


Our specialist sport & recreation services do not stop in the mountains nor when the temperature dips below zero. We are working throughout the nation to plan, implement and operate exceptional branded recreation communities. Our destinations bring large scale international events, media and brand exposure, and access to sports in a challenging, fun and interactive integrated environment – ultimately adding value to the entire community at large.

我们的专业运动和娱乐服务不仅限于山区,也不会在温度到零下时就停止。随着中国人改善生活方式和注重娱乐项目多样化的意识不断增强 – 天轴与其合作伙伴在全国范围内开展规划、实施和运营卓越的品牌化娱乐社区。我们的目的地会吸引大型国际活动、媒体和品牌曝光,以及在充满挑战、有趣和互动的环境中进行体育活动– 最终为整个社区增加价值。