Operational Consulting 运营顾问
An alternative to Operations Management, Axis acts as the owners management consultants and provides expertise and advice in all areas of operations through regular site visits and regular communication. The day to day running of the development is the owner’s responsibility but Axis provides input and feedback to improve all operational areas. In essence, Axis is working on behalf of the owner to establish a fully functioning international level operating management entity.
在运营管理之外 , 天轴可作为业主的运营顾问 , 通过定时访场或沟通 , 提供专家服务及全业态运营意见。每日具体运营工作由业主负责,天轴会就此给出反馈意见。最重要的是,天轴会代表业主打造一个全面国际化的运营实体。
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